Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Celtic Camino Begins

As one journey ends, another begins. I have been in the middle of a transition ever since walking into Santiago.

I was given the name of the second part of my journey by Luiza, an Australian living in Texas who has a list serve on the Camino and who we ran into on about Day5 in a little town whose name I can´t remember and I don´t have the Camino book with me right now to look up the name. She knew the book ¨Rosslyn¨that inspired this next journey and called it the Celtic Camino. I love the name and resonated with it, so now I call my journey the Celtic Camino as well.

The Celtic Camino includes seven sacred sites that serve as stations on this rite of initiation, a passage of sorts where I will travel up the seven chakras and oracles through France to the Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh in Scotland. I have not been sure of what to expect, and so have had no expectations other than knowing that this is the journey I have been preparing for. Even the Camino, every step of every 170 kilometers, was a step of preparation for what I will experience and receive on this journey. I am prepared to receive.

Each of the sites sits on a pre-Christian site that relates to a Roman oracle such as Jupiter, Mercury, and also also related to a chakra. Santiago is the base chakra, the root chrakra that sits at the base of our spine. It reflects issues of connected and relatedness, being part of a tribe or a group, and our sense of connectedness.

Also, each of these sites now has a cathedral or chapel that reflects in its architecture and symbolism the information of each site´s special and unique energy. I will share more as I experience each site and place. I have just been reunited with ¨Rosslyn¨the book as I had shipped it from Samos to Santiago and have just retrieved it from the post office. So I will share more of this information regarding Santiago when I have had a chance to look at it again.

Anyway, look at how my experiences here in Santiago (which I related in the previous blog) are directly connected to the first chakra issues of the Celtic Camino´s first sacred site. This is the magic and healing of my being here and having started my Celtic Camino journey. I am not surprised by my experiences here, but I really had no idea what was going to show up or how it would look or feel. The Camino guides and provides once again. I am so grateful and so blessed.

I will write more again soon. I must go now and get ready to leave tonight and eat with my Camino group before we all begin to disperse this evening. Much love to you all...

1 comment:

  1. Sarah: I just caught up with your blog. What a wonderful trip. Just reading it filled me with peace, serenity and, truth be told, a little envy. Actually the envy is just the side effect of inspiration. I am inspired to plan and make my own Camino someday.

    Although it is hard to put into words, I can tell you have transformed. I look forward to re-acquainting myself with you upon your return...I am curious.

    Take care hermana, I look forward to your return.

